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A corruption-free government

In order for the PA’s proposed system of administration to be effective, government corruption must be kept at a minimum. 


The PA would adopt the one-strike system that any official found guilty of a serious infraction would not be allowed to hold public office again for a long period, or the rest of his or her career. 


Any official found guilty of corruption or any form of theft from the state could be subject to a mandatory sentence of up to 25 years. 


The PA views stealing from the state and corruption as a form of treason and will be suitably unsympathetic in response. 


The PA would not underwrite the current system that appears to dominate, which is cadre deployment at all costs, in effect guaranteeing numerous lazy, ineffective, corrupt or simply criminal office bearers jobs for life, with the only sanction that they are moved to a different department after failing.


The PA would propose that random integrity tests be done by specialised anti-corruption units on all office-bearers in such a manner that no office-bearer, regardless of position, will be immune. No office-bearer will know whether or not he or she is being tested and must never be sure if a bribe or kickback or other corrupt activity is a test. An office-bearer who fails such standardised tests will either lose their position or a secret mark will be made against their record for possible publication at a later date.


The PA will operate with two clear centres of power. Political leadership will build the party and handle party affairs, but will not be involved in running the administration. This applies from the President downwards. The running of the country will be left to people with qualifications, experience and proven success. Politicians often do not make good bureaucrats, and vice versa. The PA understands that. The party’s politicians and founding members will develop the policies and the vision. Talented, qualified people will implement those directives and if they don't get it right, they will be replaced quickly with those who can. In short, cadre deployment will become a thing of the past.

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